October 14, 2003

Roommate Hunt

I am looking for a roommate. The old one got arrested for cocaine trafficking by the DEA last weekend. Or he moved out. I forget. This is the ad for the place. If you find me a roommate, I will give you a cupcake.

My Mom is looking for someone to rent her house in Rockville. Rent is $1650 and it is a five-minute walk from the Rockville Metro. There is also an ad for this place, and that ad can be found here. Just kidding. Here. If you find my Mom a family to rent her house, I will take you out to dinner to The Melting Pot or a similar-quality restaurant.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have been searching online and roomster is the best site to find roommates in all areas. They have people that go on there site and sign up for free and it didn't take me long to find me a room. The room was in new york which is a highly populated area. I just feel like it is a good thing to let other people know about a site that helped me find a room for rent the same day. It is a awesome site and I would recommend it to everyone whos interested in finding rooms or even if you have a room to let.

It can be hard sometime to find roommates in certain areas but with roomster you can find a room for rent and all locations which is in my opinion great. The room I found in new york was a nice room and in a good environment. I was surely please with the results and emails that I have received. At first before I found this site it was very frustrating trying to find me a room. But to let you get started with your search for your room for rent go to the link below and good luck.

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