October 20, 2003

Could They Have Called it Something Different?

This Wednesday, October 22 is International Stuttering Awareness Day. Or, as an acronym, "I-SAD."

I'm thinking of doing a 24-hour blogathon next Wednesday (the 29th) to raise money for the National Stuttering Association. I'll write an entry once an hour for 24 hours, or until my throbbing knuckles induce local rigormortis in my knotted fingers. If there's enough interest (5-6 people, a few dollars each?), I'll give it a shot.

(I already know the comment my Mom is going to make: "Why don't you apply for a JOB every hour?")

I hate asking people to donate money because when people ask me to donate, I end up giving money out of guilt for some dumb cause like "Cure for Cancer" or rejecting the person in a slightly mean way, like the time I said, "If I wanted a box of overpriced cookies, I'd go to Fresh Fields, you damn, dirty ape. Hey! Stop crying. I don't care if you're really a Girl Scout. If you don't want to be called an ape, listen to mother and improve your posture."

So if you're interested, leave a comment and share your generosity with the world. But if you are already are aware enough of stuttering or worry about the effect of a 24-hour writing session on my health, please continue reading 99.44% guilt free. I promise not to change my blog name to "[your name] Is Poop."

Unless you pay me.

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