October 13, 2003

Monkey Think, Monkey Do

From The Washington Post:
"Scientists in North Carolina have built a brain implant that lets monkeys control a robotic arm with their thoughts. [...]

"In the new experiments, monkeys with wires running from their brains to a robotic arm were able to use their thoughts to make the arm perform tasks. But before long, the scientists said, they will upgrade the implants so the monkeys can transmit their mental commands to machines wirelessly." [italics mine]

Look. I like monkeys. They're cute and, unlike lazy babies, throw away their own poop. But this is a bad idea. We've been smearing pink mascara on them, pushing them down hills on rollerskates and forcing our simian friends into servitude for capriciously-offered sips of juice for decades now. I don't care how often they smile or hug animal trainers of talk shows: monkeys want revenge. And giving them mental control over a man-crushing robotic arm is two steps away from a horror movie plot and one step away from: "Sorry, Koko. I'm out of bananas. I'll bring some tomorrow. Koko, what are you doing? No, Koko, no! I am your master! I AM YOUR...urlr...ack... [whump]."

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