December 29, 2005
Present for Black Cat
December 23, 2005
Why Pancake City Was Down for the Past Three Days
Furthermore, to reinstate the account, the customer service representative needed me to verify my contact information. You know, in case a nefarious hacker was going to steal my identity and start paying my web hosting fees.
The problem with this normally simple task is that when I set up the account 5 years ago, I entered a fake address and phone number for the web site registration to protect my identity. Which shouldn't have been a problem since my billing information is accurate, except as the tech support rep. said, "the billing department isn't here today".
Really? The whole department decided not to come to work today, like Senior Skip Day in High School? There wasn't even one loser billing department representative with dandruff and a horrible acne problem that no one told today was Chillin', Not Billing Day?
Of course, they don't trust the tech support people with billing information. That would be like trusting billing people with tech information! And when that type of craziness starts happening, you might as well get a barrel of hay and a block of sugar, because the Four Horsemen are coming and their horses are going to be hungry for a snack before they start whupping some ass.
I can't even remember my real address from 5 years ago. I took a few guesses ("123 Fake Street?"). After each guess, the representative said, "Mmmm, that's not it." Eventually, he shortened it to "Mmmmmm."
I finally said that it was pretty obvious I was the owner of the account, and asked them if we could come to a mutual agreement to forgo this sham. He agreed, and we reenabled the account a few minutes later.
Which is a huge relief, because now I can go back to not updating the page ever.
December 18, 2005
Why I Am a Comic Genius
TINA: We bought some Tiramasu gelatin from Trader Joe's.
ME: What's Tiramasu?
TINA: It's an Italian dessert. It has a layer of lady fingers, then some cream, then another layer of lady fingers, then some chocolate or cocoa on top.
ME: Hey, do you want to hear a really bad joke?
TINA: Okay.
ME: Have you ever had a rude Tiramasu?
ME: It's a Tiramasu made with lady middle fingers.
(Surprisingly, Tina laughed)
MOM: Jason! Naughty, naughty. (By the way: I'm 29.)
December 12, 2005
December 05, 2005
My Mom was frantic. We’re both neurotic people. Mom was convinced that Tina was kidnapped while walking in the parking lot to her car. I thought that was ridiculous. It was obvious that she was in a horrible car wreck and either dead or in the emergency room.
Here’s a little Pancake City tip when you’re calling the hospital to see if your sister was checked in: don’t call the main number. The voice recognition system doesn’t understand, “Department of Missing Sisters, please”.
My theory fell apart when one of the police officers my Mom called drove to the Pier 1 parking lot. Her car was still there. It was definite: she was kidnapped.
Well, the officer didn’t think she was kidnapped. “She’s probably just with her friends, Ms. Walther. You know how kids stay up late.” “You don’t understand,” my Mom said. “She doesn’t have any friends.”
I held the phone in my lap, waiting for the phone to ring. Now it was 1:30 a.m. Almost everything closes at 12:00 a.m. I wanted to believe that she was out late, but she always calls and I couldn’t think of a plausible scenario. I could feel the sadness well up and my mind trying to push away the feelings. I packed an overnight bag. I mentally wrote the email I would send to the dog walking company I work for. Title: Family emergency. My sister passed away tonight. Screw it. My sister was killed. I’ll put the keys inside the mail slot. Kerrigan doesn’t want a sub. I’ll call when I can.
Memories of Tina play-punching me. Tina making fun of my bad memory. Tina taking care of her turtles.
I started crying. I didn’t want to, or couldn’t, push away the pain anymore, as I’ve done so often in my life. I thought about praying, something I haven’t done since I was 12, when under my bed covers, I heard the phone ring and then my Mom sobbing through my thin door. “Please make everything all right, God. Please. Just this once.”
It was then that I realized how frail hope is. That crying sounds just like laughing when passed through wood. That maybe, just maybe, when my Uncle drove my sisters and I to the hospital at night, there would be Dad, his bloated face glowing, no gauze patches over his eyes, and his warm arms around us, giving us a hug.
A few minutes later, my Mom called. Tina was safe. She went to dinner with her friends (yes, Mom, she has them). I broke down and cried harder than I have in years.
I’m just so happy that she’s okay. Tina, I love you. I hope we are still making fun of Mom while we are gray. And call, next time, okay? Mom gets worried when she doesn’t see the cat for 30 minutes. And you’re slightly more important than the cat, even if you don’t get as much tuna.
December 04, 2005
You know what I'm interested in? Winning a million dollars. Doesn't mean it's going to happen.
November 23, 2005
Cause I have Nothing Else To Write About
Nugget and Cubby are two Jack Russell terriers that seem to never, ever, get tired. When we get back from a walk, a.k.a. "Squirrel Chasing Festival 2005" they lap up a bit of water and then run back to the door, hoping I’ll have a brain aneurism and take them back outside (we’re 0 for 323, but they keep trying).
They make me laugh almost every day. When I come in, sometimes Nugget will drag out the "Welcoming Blanket" from her cage. Cubby, a few years younger than Nugget and unfamiliar with some higher forms of nomenclature, will misinterpret the Welcoming Blanket as the "War Blanket" and begin tugging it. Nugget then drops the name Welcoming Blanket and rechristens it "The Bestest, Most Important Blanket in the Whole Wide World, Which Must Be Kept from Cubby at all Costs". So they then fight each other for Super Blanket until I step in, when in a coincidental fit of dual amnesia, they both flip over for belly rubs.
November 22, 2005
Adventures in Dog Walking...OF THE MIND!!!
Squirrels, squirrels, everywhere
Jumping through the air
Seemingly without a care
Torturing poor Mickey
Playing with him they dare
Soon, he will catch them all
Snag them one by one
It will be fun
To see them run
Futilely to their lairs
Then they will be gone
And Mickey will stand
Over their corpses and bloody hair
Happy and unaware
Seemingly without a care
November 18, 2005
Adventures in Dog Walking
"No," I said, "but maybe if you loved them, they wouldn't have run away."
* I got annoyed at one of the dogs I was walking and called him a mutt. He was hurt. I tried apologizing. "I'm sorry. It was in the heat of the moment. I know you're not a mutt, Lancelot. Do you want a treat? Who wants a treat? Who wants a treat?"
He didn't want a treat. He was still mad at me, until this happened: 15 seconds passed. Dogs have horrible memories. Stupid mutts.
November 17, 2005
Top Ten Science Pictures
November 14, 2005
People who give good advice don't need bodyguards.
November 08, 2005
Happy Voting Day
If you live in Virginia, I strongly encourage you to vote. The race is very close, making everyone’s votes marginally less worthless. I almost always vote, but I understand the "What’s one vote going to do?" sentiment many people have. That’s why we should take advantage of electronic voting machine technology and randomly select a person to get 10,000 votes. If you’re the person, after you vote, a flashing pop-up box will appear:
Virginia is one of the most conservative states in the U.S. When Democratic governors get elected, it’s by narrow margins. I hope the Democratic candidate, Tim Kaine, wins. Overall, he seems much more fiscally responsible and realistic than Jerry Kilgore. Also, I like his campaign policy of "No using the name of Hitler in ads against my opponent." But it’s hard seeing Virginia elect a Democrat for governor two elections in a row.
November 01, 2005
Halloween, 2
Damn kids.
Part I of the First Part of the First Day in Ireland
By the way, Google's Picasa is an absolutely awesome photo editing and organization program. It does 80% of what I use Photoshop for, it's much quicker and easier to use, and it's free. It doesn't have the fine-tuning available in Photoshop, but it's good enough for most photos.
October 31, 2005
Halloween, 1
What did you go as?
If we were only so lucky. The dorks at the weather department are marking his momentous occasion by turning to the Greek alphabet, giving us Hurricanes Alpha and Beta.
You know what I call that? Hurricane Crap. This may be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to be free of the hurricane naming rules, and they’re squandering it. They can name these hurricanes whatever they want, and we’d have no clue that they were coming up with these names on a cocktail napkin in a bar.
Almost any name is better than Alpha and Beta:
Hurricane Zeus
Hurricane God Hates You
Hurricane Shmiricane
Hurricane...of Love
If we are unfortunate enough to reach the letter D, they can at least calm people’s fears by calling it Hurricane Dude. “Hurricane Dude is still over the Florida Keys. It has been squatting there for a record two weeks. Strangely, the hurricane is only active between 2 p.m. and 2 a.m., and just gives off a faintly unpleasant odor the rest of the day.”
October 26, 2005
The VA Gubna Race
Oh, and there’s a third-party candidate. It was thoughtless of me to forget. Third-party candidates are very special people and we should give them as much respect as any other candidate. Because, one day, one of us may become a third-party candidate.
My main news source about the race has been the radio ads that occasionally play when my alarm clock turns on. The radio ad this morning was one of the best political ads I’ve ever heard. Do you know how it started? “Jerry Kilgore has a sugar daddy.” And it got better from there.
It wasn’t a throwaway line designed to grab people’s attention. It was the theme. The deep-throated announcer repeated “sugar daddy” half a dozen times in a 30-second ad. “Even when the corporation was under investigation, he kept taking their money. Taking it and taking it.” I forget the details, but by the end, the message was clear: Jerry Kilgore is a slut.
October 24, 2005
Well, It *Was* Cloudy Today
ME: "Are you expecting anyone?"
We wait for a knock. Instead, the mail slot opens and the mail plops on the floor. We hear the footsteps of the mailman scurrying away and we burst out laughing.
Easily the highlight of my day. If I were a mailman, I'd deliver the mail after 8:00 p.m. at least once a month, just to make people laugh. I'd alphabetize people's mail too on occasion, just to give them the frustrating sense of noticing something is odd not being able to figure out what it is.
October 19, 2005
I'm Back...
I had a wonderful time. I'll probably blog about the trip later, but in short, Ireland is beautiful and the people are very friendly, there are a lot of things to do in Paris, and Belgiums love waffles. But not syrup on waffles, so I'm sure not visiting those freakazoids again.
I took 853 pictures. If I have your address, I will show up unannounced one night and force you to see every single one. I am even going to transfer them to slides and dig up an old slide projector for full effect. There is no escape. Pretending you are not home will do no good. I'm bringing a heat scanner.
The photo above is of the Sacre-Coeur, a Catholic cathedral and second-highest point in France. I still have no idea how to pronounce it.
September 29, 2005
If you thought I was neglecting the blog before...
I never tried it out, but supposedly I have an RSS feed. So now you can get a lack of updates automatically, instead of checking in every other week. The power of technology.
September 27, 2005
Random Thoughts
* Almost every preview for a romance shows the entire plot in the trailer: awkward meeting between man and woman, confidential chat with sassy girlfriend, whirlwind courtship, cue the music, the big kiss. It's like a friend who reads a crappy 400-page book and then tells you it sucks in 30 seconds. Thanks, romantic movie trailers!
* I got a spam email that started, "This is your official notification from Shazam Inc Bank that the service(s) listed below will be deactivated and deleted if not renewed immediately." Do you know what this means?
1: There exists a bank called "Shazam Inc."
2: Evidentially, "Shazam Bank" is so popular that it's profitable for spammers to spoof the bank's web site.
I like Chevy Chase Bank, but if Shazam Bank ever sends me a mailing, we're going to appear in a romantic movie trailer together.
September 20, 2005
The 'Skins
In spite of the fact that they are now 2-0, I think the Skins are marginally better this year than last. Their defense is still great, and their quarterback-deficient offense is still tepid.
Is there a rule saying you can't replace the quarterback with another running back? Or have a decoy mannequin running back that the real running back could toss to the side to elude his pursuers? I don't think there's enough out-of-the-box thinking in football. Instead of a left tackle, right tackle, left wide receiver, right wide receiver, why not just have 11 running backs? Except one of the running backs would be Patrick Ramsey in a fat suit, and he would throw a bomb to the receiver (in another fat suit) when the defense would least expect it. Which would be every down, because that's fucking crazy.
Other suggestions for Joe Gibbs: start a new quarterback every quarter. Ramsey in the first, Brunell in the second, and the new guy in the third. In the 4th quarter, start a pregnant woman. The opposing players will feel sorry for her and won't tackle her. Until she starts shooting footballs out of her vagina. Then they will run. Because it stops being sexy once you move past ping-pong ball.
September 15, 2005
No, the Photo Isn't Doctored
What I like best about this photo is that he isn't sure that he needs to go to the bathroom. "Do I need a bathroom break? I'm not sure. Better ask Condi."
Not that I'm making fun. Sometimes I don't know if I need to go to the bathroom. The older I get, the more often I say "Let's give it a shot." The tail end of my GI tract pays out less often than a slot machine. I know what it's like to be president.
The president's writing style is interesting too. It's like his caps lock key keeps getting switched on and off. Maybe the case switching is actually a secret code, e.g. "bathroom" means "boring meeting / let's go to video arcade" and "BATHROOM" means "give Kofi a wedgie".
September 09, 2005
Just Say No
I heard "NO QUARTER!" so often that a version of the phrase pops in my head everytime I see the word no. Leaving the library: "NO EXIIIIT!" Seeing someone walk shirtless into a McDonalds: "NO SERVIIICE!" In my time-travel daydreams of the 1700s: "NO PANTALOOOONS!"
September 06, 2005
Michael Brown
I will actually feel sorry for Michael Brown if he gets fired by Bush. What's he going to tell his children? Nobody gets fired in the Bush administration. If Bush were the manager in Friday, Ice Cube would still have a job. Heck, he would have been promoted. George Tenet completely bungles the intelligence on Iraq's WMDs. Fired? Nope. Medal of Freedom.
Paul Bremer, the former top American administrator of Iraq, disbands the Iraqi army, sending thousands of young, angry, unemployed men out into the populace. Wonder what they're doing now. I'll tell you what they're not doing: winning the Medal of Freedom. You want to know how Condoleeza Rice got promoted to Secretary of State? Took a dump on Cheney's desk.
To the President, firing someone is admitting a mistake, namely hiring the person in first place. And, the theory goes, provides an opportunity for your political enemies to attack you. Regardless, I hope either the President or Congress realizes they made a mistake by underfunding disaster management over the past several years and takes steps to remedy the problem.
Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster
September 02, 2005
August 28, 2005
Hurricane Katrina
It's hard for me to grasp that, a day from now, New Orleans may no longer exist. The loss of a city is something that happens in other countries, other times. It is a story line for a science fiction movie, not reality. And perhaps that's part of the reason the city's storm levees were never heightened, in spite of experts' predictions that this event would one day occur. What other things are we not preparing for, in both our own lives and as a civilization, because the events seem too horrible to happen?
August 23, 2005
Adventures in Dog Walking
I whispered to Samson, the dog, "Start growling" as I sized him up. His shirt was tucked into his pants, so I put him on for only 5% homeless. Low probability also for asking for directions: 15%. When most people ask for directions, they put the greeting and request in the same sentence. If they’re lost, they’re also late and don’t have time for chit-chat.
Although he may have been a crazy person as he looked like he was wearing mascara, my gut told me he was selling something. But what? Religion? Magazines? Political cause? The overly-friendly greeting was plausible for all three possibilities, but I needed more information to determine whether he was scary happy (religion), desperate happy (magazines), or fake happy (political cause).
He said something, but I didn’t hear him because I was trying to figure out what type of weirdo he was. Samson, who I trained to have a healthy suspicion of people not carrying treats, began barking. He halted his approach and laughed.
"I like dogs, but he doesn’t look too friendly today."
"That’s right," I said, as I stared him down. I thought about asking if he had a napkin to wipe the upcoming foam from Samson’s mouth, but felt I didn’t need to go there yet.
"We finally got a break from this heat, huh?" he said.
I reviewed my response for possible openings to other avenues of conversation before uttering it: "Yup." I felt a twang of guilt for being unfriendly, but if potential crazy man thought I was going to show any weakness, he could remove the “potential” from his name.
We had a minute of uncomfortable chit-chat when I had was passes for an epiphany nowadays: "Hey, this guy is the bare-bones friendly!" I let my guard down and thought of ways to engage him in conversation. "Do you live around here? Do you have any pets? Do you..."
"Well, see ya later buddy!"
What? Talk about being hasty. He only gave me a minute to figure out it was safe to interact with. Perhaps that’s an eternity in a place like Alabama, but in the crime-ridden streets of Northern Virginia, that’s barely enough time to take your hand off your pistol.
If you’re waiting for a pithy conclusion that sums up a revelation about life or myself that this experience taught me, you’ll have to go somewhere else. And that somewhere else is right after this sentence. What I learned from my interaction from fake crazy man is...
I’m not serious, of course. I haven’t learned anything from life yet, and I’m not going to ruin the streak now.
August 17, 2005
Craigslist Ad Update
The only mildly humorous response was this one:
"I don't quite suffer from obsessive complusive order but that is a plus for you. As a land lord if anything goes wrong obsessive complusives will call you all the time, trust me I lived with one."
Update 2:
I took the ad down. I was feeling guilty from the deluge of serious responses. I need more experience writing fake housing ads--I must have underpriced the rent by several hundred dollars. I have an idea for another fake ad, which I'll post in a few days, that will much more obviously be a joke.
Craigslist: Room for Rent
(original link here; loosely inspired by my Mom's experiences with renting.)
I have a one-story brick rambler with a large yard in
Are there any psychiatrists out there that have an obsessive-compulsive patient that is looking to rent in
If you could mention this offer at your next visit with your client, I will greatly appreciate it. In a time where celebrities are attacking psychiatry (e.g. Tom Cruise), I think it’s important for psychiatrists to show that they are willing to go the extra mile for others.
August 15, 2005
Watch Out, Iran
A few days ago,
President Bush responded that, if diplomacy fails, "all options are on the table." He then said: "The use of force is the last option for any president. You know, we've used force in the recent past to secure our country."
Screw realism, neo-conservatism, isolationism, idealism, or any other of the various foreign policy philosophies that have fallen in and out of favor over the course of
August 13, 2005
Iraqi Constitution
Deuce Bigalow, Male Gigolo 2
After hovering at 3% on the Rotten Tomatoes' "Tomato Meter", Deuce Bigalow 2 has shot up to a whopping 11%. Go Deuce! The Duke Boys better be looking in their rear-view mirror, because Deuce Bigalow is coming up strong.
Let’s see what the reviewers say:
"It would be best appreciated by (a) children of blind, castrated, hearing-impaired Hollywood executives suffering from Tourette's syndrome and arrested development, (b) comic actor-writers who look like Richard Simmons."
-- Jan Stuart, NEWSDAY
"Deuce Bigalow" is aggressively bad, as if it wants to cause suffering to the audience. The best thing about it is that it runs for only 75 minutes.”
-- Roger Ebert, Chicago Sun-Times
"Vile and laughless."
-- Lou Lumenick, NEW YORK POST
"Deuce Bigalow should Bigadie."
-- Me!
"There is something to be said for the uncompromising idiocy of the film, but that something is unprintable."
"Least imaginative of all -- the TV-commercial director they hired to film it. Yeah, his name is Bigelow, Mike Bigelow. That must have been a real knee-slapper of a meeting."
"Why are you reading this review? Seriously, do you think this is the movie where Rob Schneider shows the world he's the next Tom Hanks or Jack Nicholson?"
-- Willie Waffle, WAFFLEMOVIES.COM
"Rob Schneider, stop hurting America."
-- Jon Stewart (okay, I made that one up)
August 10, 2005
Man Dies After 49 Hours of Computer Games
One, I would get a toy dog, name it Precious, and carry it around on a velvet pillow just to piss people off.
Two, my welcome mat would read, "Wipe Your Damn Paws Already, You Stupid Mutt. I Wash You, Feed You, Pick Up Your Shit, and Give You a Treats Even When You Don't Do Anything Special, Which Is Like All the Time. The Least You Could Do Is Wipe Your Stinky, Muddy Feet, For Christ's Sake."
It would probably be two welcome mats, depending on how small the printer could make the font. But that's a minor detail.
August 05, 2005
Them Duke Boys
August 03, 2005
A Rare Victory for Reality
A good quote: "The lawsuit, originally filed by two California moviegoers, claimed the ads fooled the plaintiffs into seeing 'A Knight's Tale.' "
JUDGE: "Prosecution, you may begin your opening statement."
LAWYER: "Thank you, your honor. Ladies and gentelmen of the jury, my clients saw 'A Knight's Tale'. The prosecution rests."
Several members of the jury gasp and faint.
JURY FOREMAN: "Get the noose!"
Will Sony continue to cite fake critics, or use the marginally-less deceptive practice of putting their own marketing copy in quotes to make it appear it came from the pen of a critic ("You gotta see this movie!")? Only Deuce Bigalow, Male Gigolo II, will tell.
I Scream When I Melt
There’s often a “Frosty’s Heating and Cooling” van driving around my neighborhood. It’s the adult version of an ice-cream truck. If I owned the company, I’d change the name to “Frosty and Sunny’s Heating and Cooling” because there’s no way I’m taking heating advice from a guy named Frosty. Cooling, yes—Frosty knows his stuff about cooling. But heating? Ridiculous.
SHIVERING MOM: “Is it fixed?”
FROSTY: “All done.”
SHIVERING MOM: “But it’s still freezing in here.”
FROSTY: “Are you kidding? My carrot nose almost fell off, and I just left a clump of my ass in the kitchen. “
July 31, 2005
Craigslist Fun
I was also browsing the housing listings because I may be moving soon. I have a weakness for reading the “Christian-only” ads, like this one:
“We are a household of secure, grounded Christian women who love the Lord and have iron-shapening-iron friendships, who are walking in obedience to the word of God. Most of us go to McLean Bible Church/Frontline. “
Now that’s some good iron. Iron so tough that not only can it form the basis of friendship, but that same iron can be used to clobber weaker, friendless iron into the shape of one’s choosing. Like an iron collar that you could use on an third, even weaker iron to make it your bitch. Or maybe an iron knife for Iron Chef. Or an iron iron, although it would be heavy and difficult to lift, unless you’re Iron Man (comic book character in the Silver Age of comics) or just want to display it on a pedestal as a piece of conceptual art.
Your hip friends will laugh at the irony.
July 29, 2005
July 26, 2005
Ridiculous Moments in Censorship
A few newspapers are pulling this Doonesbury strip for using the word "turd blossom." Which is the President's own nickname for his top adviser, Karl Rove.
A few other newspapers are editing the strip. Editing it to what, "poop lily"? If I were Gary Trudeau, I would have started with "shit bouquet" and offer turd blossom as a compromise.
(link to the news article)
July 24, 2005
The Nationals
Baseball is a happy game. It’s laid-back and demands little from fans. Cheering is more joy than obligation. If the team doesn’t come through, it’s just one out of 162 games. And in the middle of the sixth inning, everyone gets up and sings together.
There’s one major exception to ballpark joy. The pitchers. The pitchers look like they are in prison. They are trapped in the bullpen at the outer field wall, their forlorn faces pressed against a mesh fence, their fingers curled around the metal weave. They know each other too well to talk and live in hope that a fly ball will pop up near them and they ask the outfielder how his kids are doing before the smell of his sweat leaves the air.
Tickets for National games are very affordable. The price of a beer is almost as much as a ticket in a cheap seat. I tried holding off buying anything, but I broke down after being enchanted with a sign for “Mom’s Old Fashioned Fresh-Squeezed Lemonade”.
Here’s the secret to making $5.50 “Mom’s Fresh-Squeezed Lemonade”:
1. Fill cup to rim with ice.
2. Drop half of lemon on top.
3. Fill with sugar water.
Mmm, mmm–just like Mom used to make it. If my Mom were a crack whore.
After the game I had the opportunity to partake in one of my favorite activites: being part of a mob. It was free umbrella night at the ballpark, and they waited until after the game to hand them out so rabid D.C. fans, notorious for keeping it real Detroit style, wouldn’t stab each other in the hearts with the rounded metal tips in a Miller Lite-fueled drunken rage.
The solution, for the safety of the fans, was to put eight umbrellas in each rope-tied box, put the hundreds of boxes on three tables, and surrounded the boxes with a metal gate while mobs of people shoved each other and reached out their arms over the gate like it was Free Cabbage Day in the former Soviet Union. Once someone got an umbrella, he or she, harkening back to the nobility of the Knights of the Round table, would lower it like a lance and ram through the crowd. I shook my head in sadness, and then darted through the wake.
My progress was hated until one enterprising fan had a clever idea: reach over the gate and pass out the umbrellas himself. The boxes flew open and people grabbed handfuls of umbrellas, usually at the same time, ensuring a tugging contest with an unseen opponent. It was disgusting. I got two. Some old lady took my third one.
Even without Free Umbrella Night, I might go back to a Nationals game. The crowd is enthusiastic and it’s a relaxing way to spend an evening. Although if the Nationals wanted to seal the deal, Free Numchuck Night would do it.
July 22, 2005
July 21, 2005
GTA: God, Titties, and Asses
There's a wonderful episode of
Butters is near death, and the town is outraged...that their children saw another boy's naked penis.
The story reminds me of the current controversy with Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. In the game, you play a gang banger who can run over people, beat them up with almost every conceivable weapon, shoot cops, and...well, that’s all I know so far. I’m only on mission 4.
Recently, someone wrote a program that allowed players to unlock a special sex mission in the game. A few media watchdog groups and politicians, including Sen. Clinton, successfully pressured to have the game’s rating changed from Mature to Adult. Target, Best Buy, WalMart, and other retailers are taking it off the shelves.
GTA: San Andreas is an awesome game. But I wouldn’t want my kid to play it. It’s incredibly violent, crude, and could make younger teens less sensitive to the idea of inflicting pain upon others. Isn’t that worse than dirty, filthy sex? Sometimes this country seems absolutely loony.
July 19, 2005
Where the Hell Have I Been?
The problem with being absent is that the longer I didn't post, the better excuse I felt I needed. One week...just felt like taking a break. Two weeks...I went on vacation. To
And there's my stand-by excuse for the past month: working on a freelance project.
MOM: "Jason, are you coming over for dinner this dinner?"
ME: "Can't. Freelance project."
ROOMMATE: "Hey, do you think you could clean the bathroom? Mushrooms are growing out of the tile."
ME: "Wish I could. Freelance project."
STORE MANAGER: "Are you going to pay for that?"
ME: [running] "Freelance project. See you later."
There is some truth to the claim. I am working on a freelance writing project. The problem is, I have little motivation for finishing it because it allows me to rationalize every possible pleasant or unpleasant behavior.
Bowl of ice-cream? Need a break from my freelance project. Read a book? Gotta keep motivated for the freelance project. Cook dinner? Don't have time--freelance project. Better eat out.
What got me to write a blog entry is that writing finally worked its way in my long list of excuses, barely muscling out "Watch an episode of Aqua Teen Hunger Force" and "Contribute to
I'm going to try getting back to semi-regular blog entries. The orgy of pleasure and self-indulgence I've been on the past few weeks has been fun, but it also made my life feel a little empty.
So the blog entries will resume! Right after I finish my freelance project.
July 12, 2005
What? I walk that stinking pooch every day for six months, take one measly day off, and already he moves on to another walker? Man's best friend, my ass.
Another one of my dogs, a old beagle named Noel, knew how to keep it real. Her owner emailed me saying that she tried to bite the sub when he tried to pet her. As Martin Lawrence said in every single one of his movies, 73% episodes of "Martin", and his gripping Broadway show where he played a Tourette's patient: "That's what I'm talking about".
If my dogs don't take a finger off a stranger who walks them, then they don't really love me. And if Mickey thinks he's getting any more treats while "Kristi" can still grasp a coffee cup with ease, he's crazy as a monkey. And not party crazy, like a monkey on roller skates rolling in and out of the room. Real crazy, like putting a candle in its poo and calling it Ethel.
July 01, 2005
June 29, 2005
Dear Media
I know the war in Iraq, Social Security, and the national debt are important and all that. But let's talk about the real today: WHERE ARE THE SHARK ATTACKS?
We started off with two wonderful ones, right after each other. I ran out and bought a can of Wite-Out for my "Summer of the Shark 2001" shirt.
Then...nothing. It's been almost a whole week without a shark attack. What gives? I don't care if there haven't been any real shark attacks. Can't Wolf Blitzer strap on a dorsal fin and bite someone? And what is Tom Brokaw doing nowadays? I'll tell you what he should be doing: biting people in the ocean. Throw your former comrades a bone, Brokie.
Bush's Iraq Speech
For Bush's next speech, he should skip mentioning 9/11 and just bring out the 9/11 conga dancers. "Nine e-lev-en! Nine e-lev-en! Da da da da da, da da, DA da."
June 28, 2005
Outdoor Cat
CAT OWNER1: "Friskers is an indoor cat. He loves sitting on his post and staring out the window."
CAT OWNER1: "Not Mittens. Mittens is an outdoor cat. She'll roam around outside all day, but she always comes home for dinner."
Ha! In the dog world, there are no outdoor dogs. There are indoor dogs, and dogs that escaped. A dog is like a lifer in the state penitentiary who has shown exemplary behavior for the past 20 years until the guard leaves the gate open a crack. See ya. Thanks for the kibble! I'll come home right after I tire of freedom.
And people wonder: "But he was such a good dog. Why would he run away?"
I don't know--adventure, peeing wherever he wants, eating pizza scraps on the ground, staying outside until his heart is content...
It's the same thing with relationships. "But he was such a good boyfriend. Why would he leave me?" I don't know--adventure, peeing wherever he wants, eating pizza scraps on the ground...
June 27, 2005
June 25, 2005
June 19, 2005
June 17, 2005
June 15, 2005
June 13, 2005
I understand Michael getting off on the four counts of child molestation. And the count of false imprisonment. I wasn't in the courtroom, and it's plausible that there was enough doubt to find him not guilty.
But the Jesus Juice too? You can't make that stuff up. Comedy gold like that has to be mined. If I were the lead prosecutor for that case, I would have stood up on the first day and said: "Ladies and gentlemen of the jury. I have two words for you: Jesus. Juice. The prosecution rests."
June 10, 2005
June 07, 2005
An Opportunity Unclaimed
1. Take that, New York Review of Blogs. Someone with higher education DOES read my site.
2. It was sweet of Tina to tell her professor about the blog. I certainly wouldn't have told any of my professors about it.
3. How can I use this contact with Tina's professional life to embarrass her?
I went for the classic: a public offer to share embarrassing stories about Tina with him. I was going to do something special, like borrow her baby album and make posters of some of the pictures, but the daily routines of life has a way of dulling the energy we invest in our dreams.
A few days later, he responded: "I'd LOVE to hear some embarrassing stories about Tina." I called her up.
ME: "Guess who I got an email from?"
TINA: "Who?"
ME: "Barry, mar--?"
TINA: "My professor!"
ME: "Yup. He took me up on my offer to hear embarrassing stories about you."
TINA: "Yeah..."
ME: "Remember that time when you went to the bathroom, and you pooped so much that you clogged the toilet and had to get a plunger to fix it?"
TINA: "That wasn't me, that was [REDACTED]."
ME: "Not any more."
I never did tell any stories about her though. Not out of lack of motivation. I couldn't remember anything embarrassing that she did. All my childhood memories are of locking me in the basement and punching me.
Huh. I guessed the punching worked.
June 03, 2005
Friday Cat Blogging
Then I realized: "Hey, I can just sneak into my neighbor's house in the middle of the night, steal his cat, and a beer or two, no more than three, take a few photos, and then when my neighbor storms into my house demanding I return his pet, as he did last night, I can pretend to be deranged and claim the cat is infused with the spirit of the sun devil and must be cleansed through his soul entering the all-seeing eye.
The plan worked perfectly. And the beers were delicious.

June 02, 2005
Sophie and Noel
Anyway, you can see a few photos of them here.
June 01, 2005
Today's Words of Wisdom
May 31, 2005
My Court Experience
The police officer was unperturbed by the destroyed produce stand or the flying chickens that burst out of it, but she was furious when, as my car was flying upside down in the air, she saw that I hadn't washed the grease-smeared undercarriage in several years. She gave me a ticket for dirty driving and a summons for a court date, today.
I was nervous about appearing before the judge. In the preamble, she said we could plead one of three ways: not guilty, guilty, and guilty with an explanation. I did not hear "I didn't do it". This threw me off my game plan. I evaluated the options at hand:
"not guilty" : Close to "I didn't do it." Will consider.
"guilty" : "I did it." ??? What's the point of going to court if you're going to fold before the game?
"guilty with an explanation"--Whine your way to success.
I went with whining. Normally, I don't like whining, but I was wearing a suit, and you can do anything in a suit. It's true. Before the court opened, I stood outside and timed people on how long they would hold the door for me. When they were about to give up and enter the courthouse, I would clear my throat and say, "Excuse me. I'm still wearing a suit." Which was funny, because it's true. I WAS wearing a suit.
The whining didn't go well at first. I started complaining about how I don't like my job, my life is going nowhere, my passive-aggressive roommate puts my glasses on the top shelf where they are difficult to reach... But once I focused my whining on the ticket, my layers of excuses stacked upon each other like a tower of butter-topped pancakes, until they eventually toppled and crushed her in a metaphorical avalanche of deliciousness.
I ended up just having to pay the court fee, which is $350, so it was a pyrrhic victory, especially considering that I was so enraged with the high court costs that later that night, I poured gasoline along the court perimeter and burned the court down. Where you gonna prosecute me NOW? This is why Tom DeLay rocks. I called him up beforehand and he gave me the suggestion. That guy is awesome at destroying stuff, like courts and codes of ethics. When I grow up, I want to be like Tom DeLay, except with two testicles (Washington secret. Keep it on the hush hush. If Lloyd Grove gets wind of this, I'm toast.)
May 30, 2005
Old Magazines
May 25, 2005
Darth Kate
May 24, 2005
Vote Sophie and Noel
I work for a dog walking company that has a "Pet of the Month" contest. Until recently, it was more rigged than an election in a banana republic.
But to what will soon be the owner's utter dismay, she started letting dog walkers explain why people should vote for his or her nominee. Here's my entry:
I would like to nominate Sophie and Noel for Pets of the Month.
Sophie is a golden retriever and the cutest dog ever. This is not an exaggeration. She entered the 2005 National Cute Dog Competition and completely crushed Pickles and Muffin.
Sophie reminds me of a human more than any of my dogs. By that I mean she's neurotic. When I enter the house, she acts like she has been on a deserted island for the past six months and will absolutely die if I don't pet her right now. She also has a Kong that she carries with her everywhere. It's like a baby to her. Well, not exactly. Sometimes she wants me to throw the baby across the field. And it's made of rubber, and babies are made of something else (feathers?). But in all other aspects, it is like a baby.
Sophie is wonderful with children. Once, we met a little boy who wanted to pet her but was very scared. She sat down and waited for him to feel comfortable. Another time, she met a kid who started teasing her and poking her with a stick. She looked very anxious, but didn't bark or growl at all. The kid's parents weren't around, so I stepped in and, like any responsible adult would do, picked the kid up and put him in a well. That'll teach him.
Speaking of wells, I have a well of affection for Noel, Sophie's sister. Noel is a 14-year-old beagle mix. She is very shy around strangers. It took her several weeks to feel comfortable with me, but once she did, we became extremely close. One of my favorite moments as a dog walker is the first time she rolled over and wanted a belly rub.
Noel's hobbies include pooping and peeing on the carpet. She's a cosmopolitan dog.
To be serious for a moment, she hasn't been doing well lately. Her heart arrhythmia has worsened and she has been coughing a lot the past few weeks. I'm not sure how much longer she'll be around. It would make her very happy to win Pet of the Month before she passes away.
I know. Guilt trip. But it's true. So please vote for Sophie and Noel. They're two special dogs who just want to be loved. Unlike that prima donna Pickles.
May 23, 2005
New New Pancake City Policy
May 17, 2005
Lift Your Spirits, But Bend
Tina mentioned that one of her professors liked the blog. I thought she was making you up. Once, when one of my friends was over, Tina tried to bring out some embarrassing pictures of me as a child. If you ever want to hear some embarrassing stories about her, just let me know.
May 13, 2005
New Pancake City Policy
May 11, 2005
We Regret The Error
(from the Chicago Tribune)
Stanley's name has the connotation of a man who would be very agitated about the mistake.
Do you know what the existence of the word mollycoddle means? That there was someone named Molly who coddled people so much that a word was named after her.
I feel sorry for Molly. She was just trying to please people, and coddling was the only way she knew how to show love. Perhaps the daily birthday parties for her children were overzealous. And the fluffy hair bows. And the personal ponies for the children. But was it really so bad that the townspeople felt it necessary to differentiate between regular coddling and Molly coddling? After she first heard the word, I wonder if she toned down the coddling out of shame, or if the habit was too ingrained in her character.
Appropriating someone's name is a great way to get revenge. For example:
"You look content."
"Yeah. I just took a massive Frank in the john."
Read a Good Book Lately?
You don't need to be a member of Blogger to leave a comment. Just click on "Anonymous" or "Other" (allows you to enter personal info).
May 10, 2005
Ancient Chinese Proverb
That nugget of wisdom is on the back of one of my tea boxes. Methinks the marketing guru who came up with that one was never without food for three days.
And is the "Ancient" really necessary? Are people quoting modern Chinese proverbs? "What happens in China, stays in China. Now get off the Internet."
If you want to annoy some people, randomly insert "Ancient Chinese Proverb" into your conversations.
FRIEND: "Check out the pecs on that guy."
YOU: "I'd like to squeeze one of those. Ancient Chinese Proverb."
MOM: "Are you coming over this weekend? I haven't seen you in a while."
YOU: "I wish I could, but I have to work. Ancient Chinese Proverb."
MOM: "What's this about the Chinese?"
YOU: "This is why I have to work on the weekends."
YOU: "Ancient Chinese Proverb. Hello? Anyone there? Boy, I could really use a two-dimensional character to interact with for a line or two. Oh, well. Ancient Chinese Proverb."
May 07, 2005
The Wiz!
Commentators are already prognosticating about the Wizards chances against Shaq and the Miami Heat. Every time is a second round match-up between a team that has several extra days of rest between its opponent, like the Heat have over the Wizards, a sports analyst is guaranteed to make a version of this comment: "You know, the Heat haven't played in several days and that can make you rusty. All that time off may be an advantage to the Wizards."
Yeah, maybe if Shaq's flight back from the Bahamas is delayed. Or if Dwyane Wade has one too many banana daiquiris before the game. Otherwise, the rest helps. Basketball isn't like a typical 9-5 job, where after you come back for a week vacation, all you want to do is web browse for the first half of the day.
No one, not even diehard Wizards fans, are giving the Wiz a chance to win the series. With good reason. When Shaq gets mad, he will literally pick up an opposing player and eat him. Sometimes the refs will catch him with a sneaker in his mouth and call a foul, but he is a very good eater and can swallow without chewing. That's why when Shaq is playing defense, and a forward is backing up into him, trying to get position, Shaq will slowly back up until the other player is near his courtside brick oven.
The Wizards' coach, Eddie Jordan, will likely send skinny Steve Blake out to Shaq as an appetizer and hope his bones get caught in Shaq's throat. Juan is safe because he's a good perimeter player, and he greases his body with oil before the game so Shaq can't grab him. That's the difference between an intelligent player and a dumb one (e.g. Chris "Cotton Candy Pockets" Duhon).
May 06, 2005
* There are certain oft-quoted phrases that have a lyrical quality to them but are bereft of wisdom once you focus on the literal meaning of the phrase. Like "No rest for the weary." Well, yeah. That's why they're weary. Isn't that like saying "No work for the unemployed?" or "No sex for the guy in the Vulcan ears?"
* The stature of a basketball player is so great that it eclipses whatever humor people would find in an odd name under normal circumstances. Harry Dick could join the NBA, and nobody would laugh at his name as long as he got 20 and 10 during the regular season.
And Magic Johnson? He's literally saying his penis is magic. That's a lifetime of ridicule, even among adults, but have you ever heard someone poke fun of his name? Everyone loves Magic Johnson. The WNBA will finally hit the big time when one of their stars is called Special Vagina. "Special Vagina from downtown...IT'S GOOD!"
* "Closed captioning for Malcolm in the Middle is sponsored by..." Is closed captioning so unworthy a task that programs need to be paid to do it? "Closed captioning for Scrubs is sponsored by…no one. Sorry, deaf people."
* A job can influence how one looks at the world. For example, I'm a dog walker. A lot of people are calling for Paula Abdul to leave American Idol because she allegedly slept with a former contestant. I don’t care if she slept with him. But I think she should be kicked off the show for this:
"He says Abdul advised him on his clothes, haircut and song selection for "American Idol," and slept with him in the guest bedroom of her Los Angeles home, where he shared space with her dogs Thumbelina, Tulip and Tinker Bell.
What kind of sick person names their dogs Thumbelina, Tulip and Tinker Bell? I've walked over a hundred dogs, and still, those are the Three Musketeers of stupid dog names. What's worse is that I'll bet at least two of those dogs are males. I hope Tinker Bell pisses all over her sheets.
May 05, 2005
SM Looking for SN. No smokers, please.
You know, the appellation work-friendly is misused. I've seen web log entries like: "This 35-minute movie is hilarious! Best of all, it's work friendly."
Actually, a 35-minute movie is very work unfriendly. In fact, it is the antithesis to work, unless your computer is powered by a treadmill or needs to play videos to run Excel. The movie may be inoffensive, except that there are probably a few people in your office who get offended watching your lazy ass indulge in net videos and other time wasters, while they're stuck at their computers, work piled up around their monitors, and forced to play Solitaire.
May 04, 2005
A Special Day
While the march for gay equality takes a few steps back periodically, things are significantly better than they were 20 years ago, or even ten. But there is still a lot of homophobia when it comes to male sexuality. Even in D.C.'s
For most of us, it's not because we don't enjoying showing affection in that way. It's because the stares and more negative responses turn the act from an unconscious expression of love to a calculated decision to violate social mores. Not very romantic, is it?
That's why I think we should have a National Hand Holding Day…for Gays! It will be sponsored by the Just for Men line of hair coloring products. On that day, gay men across the country, from states like
Okay, gay men in D.C. and
Especially because it's going to come after National Ass Grabbing Day…for Gays! Everything is relative. If we go straight to the hand holding, people will comment, "Eww, two men are holding hands! And neither of them is an oil sheik."
But if we start off walking with our hands in each other's back pockets, and then follow it up with holding hands, people will say: "Thank God they went back to the hand holding. The ass grabbing made me feel uncomfortable and confused."
So there it is. National Ass Grabbing and Hand Holding days. I know gay women have their own unique issues with the public's perception of their sexuality, so we will hold separate days for them. They will be identical to the days for the men, except during Ass Grabbing Day we'll beat up anyone who whips out a video camera.
I Hope the Apocalypse Has a Good Soundtrack
Movies has been described as "life with all the boring parts cut out". The implication is that only certain moments matter in our life, and the rest is inconsequential.
To apply this to a character-based movie, it means that all it takes for the character to change is a powerful moment or series of moments. A dramatic argument, an epiphany, a chance meeting, a death. The difference between a cheesy movie and a great one is how many of these moments are in the movie, one or 12.
This notion, that a particular moment can spur great change in our lives, has been romanticized and reinforced by our culture. Have you heard of Jim Carrey writing a $5 million check to himself when he was a struggling comic? A few days ago, Juan Dixon of the Washington Wizards pleaded with his coach to have faith in him after struggling for three straight games. He scored a career-high the next night! And what is a memoir except a collection of these moments, their importance perhaps heightened?
Moments like these make great stories and allow us a simple way to be inspired by and understand the lives of ourselves and others. Dramatic moments are why people watch sports. But the idea of the "big moment" masks the reality for most people, that change in ourselves occurs through hundreds of interactions on the time scale of months and years, not single events or interactions.
Stories like these are symbols of change and the hard work it took to achieve it, but I think this point can be forgotten in the hunger to believe that one's life can instantly change. That writing the check was what made Jim Carrey successful, not the years of work before and after it.
And the detrimental effect a "big moment" orientation may have is that it may make it harder to spot not only the improvements in our own lives and character, but the decay as well.
It is the idea of gradual decay that has preoccupied me for the past few months. I have noticed it in my life, particularly in the sophistication of entertainment I choose. The decay has been going on for the past few years, a little every month, but it has just been recently that the situation has reached a point to push itself into my conscious.
I'll write about it in a few days. Assuming there aren't any good movies on.
May 02, 2005
The Family Guy
As for American Dad: somebody tell me when it becomes good.
Just two...
Yes! Silly Pope headlines are back!
William Bell, creator of TV soaps, dies
Rumor has it his death was faked and he's coming back next season.
April 29, 2005
The State of Reporting Today
2. The research:" 'His reign will only last a few years at most. This signals that we are living in what may be the end of days as we know it,' said one Web Site entry by someone calling himself SmartBob."
3. The intellectually rigorous analysis: "The prophecy -- widely dismissed by scholars as a hoax -- is attributed to..." Yeah, that makes it all better.
I have a suggestion for Reuters. How about you change the headline to, "First Article Ever Written Without Speaking to a Single Person"?
If I knew all it took to write a wire service article was cobble together a bunch of quotes from people posting with fake names on different web sites, I would have become a reporter long ago. Heck, I am a reporter. I'm putting it on my resume. Have you ever posted a comment on Pancake City? You're a source! I hope you don't mind if I use you in my next article, "People on Web Page Comment on Shit".
And as for the doomsday people: how about this. We'll make a deal with you. Gather together and agree on one day, any day you want, for the doomsday to occur. Heck, pick a week. It's cool. But if that time passes and the four horsemen are still in the stable, then you have to shut the f--- up forever. Forever ever? Yes. I thought that was the deal in 2000, but here we are again.
April 28, 2005
The Wiz
It's the same with defense in sports. Quick improvement is impossible. In the playoffs, it's not something that can be boosted solely through effort. It takes months of practice, and I think losing their first playoff series in eight years is probably the only thing powerful enough to inspire them to work on it next year.
They shouldn't be faulted for playing mediocre defense this year. You can only fix so much at a time, and for the past two years the focus has rightfully been on the offense. And while I hope I'm proven wrong and they somehow come back from a 0-2 deficit in the series, I'm happy enough to see them in the playoffs after all this time and win a game or two at home.
April 27, 2005
On the telly with the Mom
ME: "It sounds like there's a fight going on."
MOM: "I know. I want to join in." [click]
What? My Mom just hanged up on me so she could go brawling? I didn't even know moms could do that.
It is said that a boy only becomes a man when he acknowledges the possibility of his own death. For me, it's going to be when I have to bail my Mom out of jail.
April 26, 2005
Immature Tuesday: Part 2 of 2
The titillating headline, drawn from a minor detail buried several paragraphs later, did its job though and got me to read the article: Peruvian virgin turns down $1.5m.
Allegedly, in the process of soliciting bids, a man offered her $1.5 million. She said she decided to reject the bid and all others and not go ahead with the plan.
I say allegedly because of this hypothetical question, for both men and women:
- Would you, with the guarantee that there would be no pictures or recordings, have sex with a ho rse for $1.5 million?*
Okay, you wouldn't, but we all have a friend that probably would, and he or she already has a car. And she turned down $1.5 mil. for a person?
But let's say her story checks out. Do you know what this means? The first person to have sex with her is screwed. There's no way he's going to be able to give her a $1.5 million lay. He's going to be traumatized. She's going to have sex with him and ask for change.
Well, that ends Immature Tuesday. Methinks this won't be a regular feature.
* Nothing engenders affection like implying your readers would have sex with a horse for money.
Immature Tuesday: Part 1 of 2
After ten seconds, I knew what would happen. The guy's getting it in the balls. People don't send video clips of cats and men that end up snuggling together, unless the snuggling is the precursor for some claw-on-ball action. I still watched it, of course.
The video is like a microcosm of a summer action blockbuster. You know the good guys are going to win, and you can usually predict the whole movie after the first five minutes, but it's still fun to watch the debacle unfold.
Go ahead. Try not to watch the video. Stay at home for Episode III. Tell yourself you're going to accomplish something by 40. Many an empire were built on a foundation of lies.
April 25, 2005
Test Babies
This week's findings included a study that examined the effects of noise on infants language development. They studied 100 babies and found that noisy environments can interfere with language development in infants younger than 13 months.
Which brings me to a question I have every time I read about a study like this: where are they getting the babies from? I thought childbirth creates a powerful, unbreakable bond between mother and child. Yet I've been reading Unconventional Wisdom for many years, and every now and then there's a study like, "Jackhammers Make Babies Cry" or "Shake n Bake: Both Bad for Babies."
What are these mothers thinking? Scientists aren't loading up into a Humvee and doing drive-by baby snatchings. The mothers had to sign at least a few forms. Any parent who sees the words "detrimental," "baby", and "?" in the same sentence should drop the clipboard, remove the baby from the locker, and walk away.
Although I am being presumptuous in assuming these studies are being fueled by mothers' desire for free baby sitting. Maybe it's a lackadaisical father, well-intentioned to give his spouse a day off and then he gets a call from a friend, "Hey, do you want to go golfing?"
At Delinquent Fathers Headquarters, a bulb on the national map lights up, a retrieval unit is dispatched, and five minutes later a Humvee pops up on the curb and a team of scientists jumps out with a clipboard and a six-pack of Corona. Problem solved, even as he can hear his wife's squeaky voice nagging him in the back of his head that their child is not a problem why aren't you listening to me wah wah