September 20, 2005

The 'Skins

I'm not sure what's worse: seeing the Redskins suck, or hearing that they made a miraculous comeback late in the 4th quarter against Dallas RIGHT AFTER I TURNED OFF THE TV.

In spite of the fact that they are now 2-0, I think the Skins are marginally better this year than last. Their defense is still great, and their quarterback-deficient offense is still tepid.

Is there a rule saying you can't replace the quarterback with another running back? Or have a decoy mannequin running back that the real running back could toss to the side to elude his pursuers? I don't think there's enough out-of-the-box thinking in football. Instead of a left tackle, right tackle, left wide receiver, right wide receiver, why not just have 11 running backs? Except one of the running backs would be Patrick Ramsey in a fat suit, and he would throw a bomb to the receiver (in another fat suit) when the defense would least expect it. Which would be every down, because that's fucking crazy.

Other suggestions for Joe Gibbs: start a new quarterback every quarter. Ramsey in the first, Brunell in the second, and the new guy in the third. In the 4th quarter, start a pregnant woman. The opposing players will feel sorry for her and won't tackle her. Until she starts shooting footballs out of her vagina. Then they will run. Because it stops being sexy once you move past ping-pong ball.

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