October 10, 2004

Oh, Great

Now even the troops are demoralizing the troops. Sure, they're happy with the first half-dozen reasons they were given to go to war, but reason Number #7 comes along and all of the sudden they're Mr. and Mrs. Hoity-Toity Why Are We Here Wah Wah Wah. F'ing flip-floppers. (link)

Best quote:
    Asked if he was concerned that the Marines would be punished for speaking out, Autin responded: "We don't give a crap. What are they going to do, send us to Iraq?"

On a side note, if you want to find out why The Washington Post rocks, read the first article I linked (reason Number #7). If that same article appeared in another newspaper, it would have been watered-down and weakened out of an editor's fear of appearing biased. When a newspaper can back its assertions with facts, it should never shy away from expressing those assertions in the strongest terms.

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