October 06, 2004

What Was He Thinking?

During the Vice-Presidential debate, Dick Cheney directed people to factcheck.com (he meant factcheck.org) in response to Edward's criticism of Cheney's former employer Halliburton: "If you go, for example, to FactCheck.com, an independent Web site sponsored by the University of Pennsylvania, you can get the specific details with respect to Halliburton."

God, this is Jason. I don't ask for much. In fact, I don't ask for anything. I think the whole flowing white robe and booming voice thing is kind of silly, and if I'm going to believe in a God, I want him to have a few tats. But if you do exist, and you have some extra time on your hands, please send people to factcheck.org to read their article on the debate, just like Cheney requested. I know you don't like to get directly involved in human affairs, but if you look at him as a pasty devil without the horns, it's really not that hard.

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