October 06, 2004

A Few More Comments

    I'm glad the Bush-Cheney campaign has stopped saying that John Kerry voted for higher taxes over 350 times and switched to a more reasonable 98 times.
    I think the anchors on CNN are a bunch of morons, but they actually made one insightful comment. They mentioned that when Cheney said "F--- You" to Sen. Leahy last June on the Senate floor, it was because Sen. Leahy criticized Cheney's connections to Haliburton. Haliburton makes Hulk Cheney angry. Cheney no like talk about Haliburton. You could see it the first few times Edwards mentioned it in the debate. Cheney would perk up and scowl or begin to twitch.
    Most of the instant online polls have Edwards winning in a landslide. I think instant polls are worthless and often have no relation to fact. So I put zero stock in them. But they are a decent barometer of the passion and post-spin effort of each side, and in that respect these polls bode well for the Democrats.


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