October 14, 2004

... Part II

I thought I wasn't going to write anymore about the debates. With the lack of novelty of the debates and some projects that are constantly swirling around in my head, the motivation just wasn't there.

But in one of the fastest responses I have seen, Lynne Cheney has already commented on Kerry's answer to the question, "Is homosexuality a choice?"

You can read her response here. In essense, she says this part of Kerry's answer, "If you were to talk to Dick Cheney's daughter, who is a lesbian, she would tell you that she's being who she was, she's being who she was born as" is a cheap, political trick.

Thank God she isn't my Mom.

If my Mom chose to defend a man who, when asked is homosexuality a choice, said "I don't know" over a man who said "No, it isn't, and you should know better," I'd have a big problem with her.

"I don't know" isn't a response. "I don't know" means either "It is a choice, but I won't want to seem like an extremist" or "It is how you are born, but I don't want to piss off the bigots in my base."

Maybe twenty years ago "I don't know" was an acceptable response, but it doesn't cut it today. I'd love to hear what her daughter has to say about this.

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