October 27, 2004

Get In The Vote

Unless Kerry wins by a sizable margin, I don't see how we're going to avoid another scenario like 2000. The GOP is working their butts off to suppress minority voters and to lay the groundwork to challenge the legitimacy of a Kerry administration.

The shameful thing about the 2000 election is that it brought to light the serious flaws we have in our process, flaws that were masked due to large margins of victories in past presidential elections. We lost a lot of credibility in the world community as advocates of democracy due to our own inability to hold an uncontested election. But it was a price we had to pay to become aware of the flaws in our antiquated process and the need for reform.

But we're not there yet. And that's the shameful thing: we were made aware of an urgent problem, given 4 years to fix it, and barely got halfway there. How the hell are we going to hold fair elections in Iraq in January if we're still fighting about our election in December?

Note: Here's the same post if this were a conservative blog:

Unless Bush wins by a sizable margin, I don't see how we're going to avoid another scenario like 2000. The DNC is working their butts off to falsely register voters and to man the polls with teams of lawyers so they can challenge the legitimacy of a Bush administration.

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