October 09, 2004

Dred Scott = Roe v. Wade?

I would have never, ever figured this out on my own. Here's the scary explanation behind President Bush's reference to Dred Scott in the 2nd debate. And one of many examples showing the point.

It makes me wonder what other ostentatiously-stupid phrases or verbal gaffes he's said that are actually crafty political code to the extremist part of his base.

"need some wood?" = "sometimes you gotta slap the kids around"

"hard work" = "beating up women who had a abortion"

"is my time up yet?" = "Kerry supports assisted suicide"

[responding to a question on national security]
"Well, we'll talk about the tax cut for middle class here in a minute" = "The earpiece tells all"

"I hear there's rumors on the Internets" = "They must never find out about the secret Internet"

"I'm human" = "I need another power cell"

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