October 31, 2004

The Prince Remix: "Invade a Country Like It's 1999"

I know at this point, no one is going to read yet another article about something horrible Bush has done and say: "Okay, the first 314 were fine. But number 315 is the last straw. I'm voting for Kerry."

But it's important to me that people know the depth of how truly deceptive the Bush administration was in painting the war in Iraq as some sort of response to 9/11.

Judge the accuracy of this yourself, but Bush's former ghost writer says Bush was talking about invading Iraq in 1999. Or ask yourself, why was the administration have planning meetings about a war with Iraq only two months after 9/11?
(both links from TPM)

And 52% of Americans still thinks Iraq was providing substantial support to al Qaeda. I think the administration's way of planting false beliefs into the minds of a majority of the public is the great untold story of the past four years.

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