October 17, 2004


* This Tuesday, George Carlin is appearing at the Arlington Olsson's. Tickets are being passed out at 8:00 a.m.

* This Thursday, David Rees, creator of "Great Your War On" will be signing his new book. Politics & Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. Free. 202-364-1919.

* Berkeley Breathed's Opus has been on a roll these past few weeks. Another funny one today.

* Gary Busey meets George Bush (link from Metafilter). Well done.

* Jon Stewart's appearance on Crossfire. It's the angriest and most frustrated that I have ever seen him. It's sad, because he's still under the impression that CNN is a news channel, and he sees the show as a symbol of everything that is wrong with the news media. From the questions Carlson and Begalia ask him, it's obvious that they somehow miss the point of The Daily Show. The heart of his show isn't a satire on politicians. It's a satire on the media.

* I was having dinner last night with a group of gay friends. Kerry's mention of Mary Cheney's sexuality during the debates came up. We joked at how absolutely offended we were that a person would dare mention that an out lesbian was...a lesbian! And on the TeeVee, of all places! This blog quotes a writer for Salon who wrote a commentary on the issue that I would have made if I didn't write like monkey shit.

* This is for the certain person who pointed out multiple times that I should have the links open in a new window. 1) You are absolutely right. 2) I AM LAZY! All of your descriptions of how to do this involve work on my part. This is a deal breaker.

* Update: Ralph just showed me a simple way to have links open in a new window. It's not robot-easy, but it may just be easy enough.

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