June 25, 2003

Thump Thump Thump

On a staircase at a parking garage, I saw a sign that said "Warning! Slippery while wet."

Is there anything that's not slippery while wet? This sign is essentially saying, "Warning! Cement-based staircase does not mitigate slippery property of water when said water rests on surface."

What would be an interesting sign is "Not slippery while wet." This staircase of the future would have hot air steamers underneath the concrete or Velcro seeds that sprout immediately when wet. And---this is the most important part--it would be a moving staircase. But not like an escalator, because that has already been done.

Do you know the story of the man who tried to jump in his pants to save time? Although that was stupid, when are architects going to start putting roofless moonbounces under windows so people can exit quicker?

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