June 07, 2003

Rain, Rain, Go Away

The gay pride parade in D.C. is today. It was beautiful yesterday, it will be gorgeous tomorrow, and it has been raining the whole day today. I think the reason for the rain is obvious: Jesse Helms and his magic weather machine.

If I were a weather forecaster, I would periodically tell viewers that today the rain is gay. The rain would be the same as it always is, but at least it would keep the homophobes inside.

Update: I misattributed the weather machine to Jesse Helms. It is Ian McKellen with the weather machine. It poured most of the day on Saturday, stopped raining 10 minutes before the parade, and started raining again ("rerained" in modern parlance) half an hour after the last marcher left the parade route. I'm not religious, but I will say this: God loves gays.

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