December 16, 2004

LeGuin Responds To Earthsea Miniseries

This will probably only interest 1 out of 20 of you, which, considering the number of people that visit my site, comes out to a right arm and part of a torso.

The SciFi Channel recently ran a 4-hour miniseries based on Ursula K. LeGuin's EarthSea books, a well-liked fantasy series that I suspect holds particular appeal to teens because of its realistic portrayal of adolescence.

Based on other adaptations of books to the screen, what do you think is her reaction to the TV series?
1) Pleased with the result and appreciates all the time and effort the writers and producers made to stay true to the spirits of the books.
2) Mad that they fucked everything up.

With the exceptions of The Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter, two books with vastly greater fan bases, has it ever been #1? Ever? In fact, isn't fucking things up the job of writers and producers who translate novels to the screen?

It's why that while I respect LeGuin's opinion, my heart remains a snug three sizes too small. No one held a magic staff to her head and threatened to turn her into a balderbeast if she didn't sell the TV rights to her books and relinquish all creative control in the contract. And based on the sample size of every single novel adapation in history, how could she expect anything different to have happened?

On another note, if you are looking for a good read, check out her novel, The Left Hand of Darkness. Excellent sci-fi book, even if you're not a huge fan of the genre.

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