December 10, 2004

Canada's Supreme Court Declares Same-Sex Marriages Constitutional

For a month, just a month, we need to kidnap 20 million U.S. religious nuts, swap them with 20 million Canadians, and pass a telephone book worth of good laws. "Hey, fundies! Welcome home. Oh, by the way, while you were gone, we legalized gay marriage, laminated the Constitution so you can't change it back, installed a laser system in government buildings that will destroy any version of the Ten Commandments within 50 feet, got Barbara Bush to spank George at his inauguration, and renamed partial-birth abortions God, at least until you make an exception for protecting the health of the mother. So if God is telling you to ban God, well, that Her business.

Yup. It's Her now. We're taking turns. But don't worry. We'll switch back in 1,000 years.

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