September 24, 2003

Hurricane Wasabel

The past two days have been sunny and gorgeous. And the D.C. weather forecasters are going through hurricane withdrawal.

BOB RYAN: "Storm tonight. Will there be high wind gusts? Tune in at 11:00."

SUE POLKA: [spinning a weather map on a pencil] "Uh-oh. Looks like a hurricane is coming."

DOUG HILL: [twirling around the studio] "If you were in the Bahamas now, this is what would be happening to your house. [picks up Maureen Bunyan's notes, scatters them across studio. As he stumbles towards the camera, Hurricane Hill crashes to the floor and enters into a tropical depression. The sports reporter makes fun of his tears.]


Just kidding! Doug's A-OK! And he's backlit more than Jesus.

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