February 26, 2003

Strongman Competition

In a Strongman Competition, weightlifters compete against each other by performing Herculean, almost cartoonish feats of strength, like pulling chains, moving boulders, and lifting kegs. If they are going to do all that work, why don’t they do useful stuff, like shoveling snow, or helping people move? Instead of lifting a metal log, they could help someone parallel park by lifting his car into a space. Or instead of flipping a tire, why not give a tired fast-food employee a break and flip some burgers?

At least the competitions could be held in science classes. These guys are walking testaments to Newton. In lifting stuff solely for the sake of lifting it, they come as close as possible to the abstract ideals inherent in the laws of physics. Who could fail to love science after seeing a man pull a bus by the waist?

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