February 13, 2003

Ask Ellie

What if your whole life were recorded and you could ask an intelligent search engine questions about your past? The search icon could be Ask Ellie, an elephant in a suit.

“Ellie, show me the moments where I learned not to trust people.”
You could see the time where your best friend stole your Snake Eyes figure and shoved you into your locker at school, deal with the memory, and feel comfortable buying GI Joes again.

You could obsessively relieve happy moments during depressions, irrefutably prove to your roommate that you took the trash out the last seven times, and explain to your friend both why you have trouble calling him back and refuse to go to the circus with him. (Ellie, load “Tied with Phone Cord by Murderous Clown,” ages 6 and 8.)

Having some bohemian buddies over for dinner? “Ellie, cue the 1998 Phish concert on the screen.” Then, remembering your parents are coming over: “The edited version.”
MOM: “What was that jump? What were you doing then?”
YOU: “Calm down. I was going to the bathroom.”
DAD: “Four times in 15 minutes?
YOU: “I drank a lot of water. I was trying not to dehydrate.”

And you could learn how your character was formed, down to the finest details. “Ellie, show me the moments from my childhood that I was kind to other people. What? File not found? You stupid elephant."

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