January 29, 2003

Who Wants $20?

As part of a class action lawsuit, a collection of music and companies (e.g. Sony, Tower Records) is giving $5-$20 to anyone who has bought a CD between 1995 and 2000. No proof needed. The settlement amount depends on the number of people who apply. If more than 8.8 million people apply, individual payments won't be made and all the money will be donated to non-profits. Info here, apply here.

I'm using my money to buy lunch so I can throw it at an economist.

ME: "You know how I could afford to throw a steak sandwich at you? Because it was a free lunch! Free, free, FREE! How does irony taste, economDICK?"
ECONOMIST: "Actually, it tastes very tender and juicy, with a subtle smokiness that enriches the aroma."
ME: "Give me my lunch back."

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