January 23, 2003

You may not want to read this

So I was talking about horse sex sites with my friend (it's a weekly conversation) when he forwarded me this site, www.sex-with-horse.aimalsex.com.

You know how when you're excited you may type an email to a friend really fast, and right after you click the send button you realize you misspelled a word? That's what happened to this guy. Except it was a domain name. About horse sex. What type of person loses the ability to spell when confronted with the possibility of horse whoopie? What newspaper does he read? What does he eat for breakfast? Does he pick out the horseshoes from his Lucky Charms? Put sugar cubes in his Cheerios? [This is for the search engines: horse sex cheerios, horse sex cheerios, horse sex cheerios]

The worst part is that the word isn't even necessary. Sex.with.horse? What type of sex is that? Oh, aimal sex. Now I get it.

And shouldn't it be sex with horses? Who wants to risk the embarrassment of a spouse typing "sexy-surpise-for-your-lover" and having "sex-with-horse-aimal.com" fill in before he or she gets to the 'y', just for one horse? Three or four horses, or one talking horse, I can understand, but one plain horse? Pornography isn't immoral. It's illiterate.

Okay, no more horse jokes. I promise.

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