August 15, 2003

Great Movie, Great Song, Great Book

I just watched Solaris (revised version). It's an atypical science fiction movie about choice, loss, and a deep desire I suspect we all have and are able to suppress solely for the fact that it can't be fulfilled (in the real world).
Warning: Movie contains no aliens, no laser guns, and occasional periods with no dialogue.

"The Shy Retirer" by Arab Strap (CD info)

A People's History of the United States by Howard Zinn. This is the most revealing history book I have ever read. Okay, I've only read two history books, but this one is definitely the shiz-nit. I'm only a third of the way through it and already it has helped me understand the other forces behind the creation and growth of this country. For example, it may be obvious that people with power and wealth will do what they can to keep their power and wealth (and gain more), but this is the first history book I read that uses this principle to explain part of the motivation for America being formed, rather than idolizing the founders of the country as being solely motivated by a passionate belief in freedom and liberty.

I'll post a few quotes from the book in the next several days. I highly recommend buying a copy, but if you read it and didn't like it, I'm interested in knowing why.

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