June 17, 2007

Dogs vs. Cats

I found a link to a Vancouver travel site in the “Failed Referrers” section of my web page stats. It's a list of broken links that people are trying to reach, mostly missing photos that didn't get transferred when I switched web hosts.

A few dozen people have been unsuccessfully trying to find a photo that used to be on my web site. I clicked the link to see what Vancouver wanted from Pancake City.

Surprise #1: The link, to a message board discussion, had nothing to do with travel or Vancouver. It was a long, angry argument on which was better, cats or dogs.

Surprise #2: It was absolutely hilarious.

I searched Google's cache to see the photo they were trying to find. It was of a cat holding a sniper rifle while perched in a window sill.

I was going to post snippets of the discussion, but the first half-page is so funny that you have to read the whole thing.

"Get back to the thread DO YOU LIKE CATS OR DOGS!!!!"


Anonymous said...

One of my favorites:

koreans do not eat liquified cat.

Jason said...

There are literally over a dozen quotable passages on that page. And that's not even counting the "WHAT WHAT WHAT" blender dog.