February 12, 2007

Pancake City Radio Test Info

Not sure anyone will see this in time, but PCRX will be running from 8-11 P.M. EST. Radio link.

Windows Media Player has trouble opening the link, try this one: WMP link.

The super-tentative program guide:
8-9: Nerd Orchestra
9-10: Randomly downloaded SxSW performers
10-11: Thrills and Chills

Please add "ish" after all times.

The format is 99% music, most of it from independent labels, although if I can get my roommate Meghan to listen to the station, I'm going to play some Dave Matthews just for her. (She has a poster of him behind hidden behind her Belle and Sebastian poster). Five listeners max for now. I'm broadcasting off my computer so that's all I can handle. Listen for as long as you want.

If you tune in, please let me know how the sound quality was, if you had any problems logging on, and if so, around what time the problem was. I will be running more tests in the next few weeks as I work on technical issues and add more features.

If you are interested in helping me test future broadcasts out, please email me at monkey.on.keyboard(AT)gmail.com. It would be appreciated.


Anonymous said...

I tried to logon at 10:30pm, but it didn't work. But then I realized I'm in KS and it was 11:30pm your time. Oh well. By the way, how do you pay rent? My wife thinks you found a money tree, and aren't telling. I have trouble paying rent and I work, please share the money tree. Please. It's only fair, if you had wanted to go back to school years ago and I had the money to support you (which I didn't) I would have put you through school. Consequently, I earned a share of that money tree. Please share, my children are hungry.

Jason said...

My secret is that I sold my baby. You keep those things, and they can really eat at your movie money.

(Kidding, of course. craigslist removed my post.)

Anonymous said...

Sorry Jason I missed the radio show. I actually just got home for work. It's like the movie Unbreakable--we're complete opposites and probably should become mortal enemies.

Anonymous said...

Thankfully I've been alerted to yet another of your atrocious lies, jason. Everybody? for the record, I passionately dislike Dave Matthews. The world needs to know this. hell, while i'm at it, let me unearth another secret truth Jason likes to keep hidden: our house sports some lovely solar panels. HA! the truth is OUT!

Jason said...

Meghan, I admit, the first thing I did when I read your comment was to go to Blogger so I could edit it to say, "I Heart Dave Matthews. And, although almost no one knows what I am talking about, our house does not have solar panels."

But I then realized I didn't want to be like the Chinese government, and Blogger doesn't let you edit comments. Your comment stands.

One of my near future posts will explain the solar panel reference, hopefully before Roommate #2 finds my web page.