September 10, 2006

Room Huntin'

I've been responding to several group housing ads a day with little luck so far. One of my roommates said he has been getting a 1 in 10 response to his emails. I told him, "Well, that's what happens when you smell" but that was hypocritical of me to say as I'm getting the same ratio of responses. And I haven't showered in a week.

I got tired of sending a personalized email to each person, so I wrote script to scan the ad and incorporate the info into an automated response. Example:

"Hi, I'?m JASON. I saw your ad on CRAIGSLIST for the open room in your BUNGALOW/PLEASANTLY SIZED DWELLING. The description of your BUNGALOW/PLEASANTLY SIZED DWELLING sounds really nice. I'?ve always wanted to live in your LIVELY IN A NON-THREATENING WAY neighborhood.

It seems like we also have a lot in common. For example, I share your interest in QUIRKY HOBBY I DON'?T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT BUT SAW A PBS SPECIAL ON LAST YEAR. I never thought I'?d find someone else in the D.C. area that shares my deep-held love for MATING HABITS OF THE MANATEE."

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