February 03, 2005

Haloscan Makes Me Feel Good

I like how Haloscan says "Comment successfully posted" after sending a comment. It makes me feel like when I had to bounce a rubber ball in preschool 20 times in a row as part of a hand-eye coordination test, and I did it! That was the day the extra cup of juice was mine.

More computer programs should be like that. When you turn on your computer, the first message shouldn't be "File corrupted" or "ERROR at 07DE:0850" (I use Windows) but "Nice job pressing that power button!" Starting Photoshop: "Who's that cutie opening me up?" Deleting a file: "Did you do that all by yourself? Good job!"

And, most important of all, the 3.5 in. disk drive should be replaced with a cookie dispenser. Separate juice holder unneccessary. That's what CD-ROM drives are for.

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