April 07, 2004

A Tale for the Times

Many years ago, Lynne Cheney wrote "Sisters," a novel of "a strong and beautiful woman who broke all the rules of the American frontier."

I didn't know the American frontier had rules. I thought not having rules was the whole point of the frontier. Who wants to travel 500 miles west and have to deal with a homeowner's association? But that's besides the point.

The book has received attention recently because it has some naughty bits, at least for a prim conservative in the public spot light. Naughty bits such as lesbian relationships, feminism ideals, and an overbearing, misogynistic man who can only express his sexuality in the crudest forms, such as demanding people call him by the name of his wiener. (Okay, I'm making the last one up.) The publisher was going to re-release the book but canceled plans a few weeks ago at the request of Ms. Cheney.

Some of the reviews of it on Amazon.com are quite funny.

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