April 19, 2004

Bangers for Breakfast

Rob, of Sheffield, South Yorks, told The Sun: "I was reading it on a break and suddenly I saw the word 't**t'.
Imagine the embarrassment of a mum whose six-year-old son is asking her what a 't**t' is?"

Adidas put an advert in a British newspaper to promote the London Marathon. The ad is made up of thousands of thoughts in small type from runners. Rob of Sheffield, South Yorks, is understandably furious that some of these thoughts have naughty bits in them.

Actually, he's not understandably furious. What the hell is a "t**t"? A toot? A teet? A tart? I know what a tart is. It's a delicious, cream-filled pastry. Why is this embarrassing to explain to a six-year-old son? Is Mum on the Atkins diet?

If I had a six-year-old that could read pages of 8-pt. type and then ask, "Daddy, what's a b***h?" I wouldn't get mad. I'd give him an ice-cream. That kid is smart. And it would help him understand the reruns of The Chappelle Show that we would watch together.

I suppose if Adidas ran an ad promoting the Boston Marathon, the language barrier would still rear its head. "What are these bloody Americans getting so antsy about? I use a f**k for me pudding!"

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