August 20, 2003

You Write Like A Girl

The Gender Genie says it can guess your gender based on a sample of your writing. I entered a passage from my blog. The program said I was a girl. I tried a few more entries. Female, female, female. Time to rig the result. I wrote, fifty times: "I have a nutsack. It is large and hairy." Female.

Passages from several other blogs? All female. Washington Post article? Female. Passage from Maxim's web site? Female. Comedy Central's description of "The Man Show"? Female.

Frustrated in my failure to find a selection of writing this algorithm finds manly, I decided to pull out both of my NRA-sponsored shotguns and write this:

Mmmm. Steak. I like football. And shooting things. Like deer. I can crush a beer can on my forehead. But it hurts. Long sentences suck. You know what else sucks? Your mamma. Ha ha ha. Alpha Phi rules!

So, what do you think? Female or male?

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