July 16, 2003

Deficit Solution

The 2003 budget deficit is now at a record $455 billion. Can't the U.S. government get a Visa and transfer the deficit to it? With 0% on balance transfers for the first few months, we'll save billions in interest alone. And once the grace period runs out...hello MasterCard! I know the government's credit history is shaky, but maybe it could start with a gold card and work its way up to a platinum.

Another benefit to this plan is that currently, the government borrows from the future generation of adults, whose rebuttal against the practice is, "Wah! Wah!" If you borrow from a credit card company, you know it's going to get its money back, and the company isn't going to wait 20 years to collect. Congress want to pass tax cuts for the rich without cutting spending? Fine. Repo Man gets the Capitol. Congress can hold session in the cafeteria until they work out a finance plan.

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