July 11, 2003

Everything You Need To Know About My Mom, Part II

(At dinner last weekend. Tina is my sister.)
TINA: "Mom, you made it to Jason's web page."
MOM: "What for?"
TINA: "He wrote that you called him Elmo and he doesn't know why."
MOM: [laughing] "Because he never responds to our emails! He's always missing."
[TINA and I exchanged confused glances]
ME: "Mom, I still don't get it. "
MOM: "You know, Elmo. The guy who always hides in the crowd and you have to find him."
TINA: "Mom, that's WALDO. Elmo is the muppet on Sesame Street."
MOM: [laughing] "Oh! I meant to call him Waldo! "

I love my family.

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