November 18, 2003

Massachusetts court rules ban on gay marriage unconstitutional

In its ruling, the Massachusetts court said the state "failed to identify any constitutionally adequate reason for denying civil marriage to same-sex couples."

Attention all evangelical preachers: you cannot stop the gay cabal. First, we're going to gain the right to marry one another. Then, we're going to marry multiple partners--

Oh, you already did that? Well, um...I know! Ooh, this is good. We're going to have babies. Lots of babies. Surrogate mothers, artificial insemination--any way we can. Then, with each cute, innocent male baby, we're going to grab the baby's penis and chop off--

What? God damn it. Okay, this one will make your skin crawl. We'll say all these platitudes about wanting to honor each other and having our relationships legally recognized. But the minute gay people get the right to marry, one out of four of us--nay, one out of two--are going to get divorced, dealing a crushing blow to the shaky institution of--

Jesus H. Christ. What do we have to do, marry dogs?

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