November 25, 2003

I Love You Too, Jjhleftbbuutbb

I got some unexpected good news today. A young vixen, Jjhleftbbuutbb (French?), wants to go out with me. We've never met, but I think she is attracted to the sly underscore in my email address. John Dvorak says it's like a feather in a pimp's cap.

Jjh-Lo loves camping, 4-wheelers, rollerblading, swimming, BBQs, road trips, Cedar Point, etc. My heart skipped when I read her words. I love road trips in my 4-wheelers to Cedar Point. And who knows what etc. means? I hope it means "buying my boyfriend video games and having a sexy, gay brother."

The downside is that she seem a little desperate. "If i match somthing [sic] you want just come and talk [sic] to me on the site." ( And she's "ALWAYS laughing/smiling" which, if you think about it, would get creepy real fast. Especially at funerals.

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