September 25, 2004

Argg! Media Make Me Mad!

Candidate X claims that his opponent "steals babies from their mothers, glues the babies to a giant wheel, and charges parents who want to adopt $100,000 to spin the wheel for a chance to win the baby of their dreams. Or a toaster."

Candidate Y claims that while Candidate X was flashing children in a schoolyard, he was wearing a blue overcoat, when, in fact, the overcoat was turquoise.

The news headline? "Candidate X and Candidate Y both play loose with the truth."

My exaggeration aside, read this article and try to tell me that stupidity under the guise of fair-mindedness isn't at play here.

And if John Kerry has said anywhere near the same number of falsehoods about George W. Bush's words, and with anywhere near the same amount of gall, then this reporter failed to do her job by listing those falsehoods.

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