January 05, 2004

Hi! I'm gay. So, when's the next agenda meeting?

A few weeks ago, I went to a party for volunteers of Reel Affirmations, a gay film festival. I arrived, saw that they had run out of food, won a gift pack in a raffle, and left 15 minutes later. The gift pack had a "One in Ten" hat, a gray T-shirt with "Reel Affirmations", an umbrella with the same name, and two videos from the first season of the original British versoin of Queer As Folk. I am unsure whether to keep the gift pack or sell it to an evangelical Christian who wants to infiltrate the gay community.

U.G.C: "What a downpour! Good thing I have my gay umbrella. Being that I gay, you know."
U.G.C: "So...our mission to wreck the family is going pretty well, huh?'
GAY MAN: "What?"
U.G.C "One second." [click] [holds up purple tie]: "Okay. Yup, we sure are doing a good job pretending to love each other."
GAY MAN: "What are you talking about?"
U.G.C: "Into the tie, please."

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