October 29, 2003


I just realized I managed to screw this joke up two ways:

"The 2003 Pancake City Halloween Blog-A-Thon Spectacular with Rockets and Jelly Beans will take place from Wednesday 12:00 a.m. EST to Thursday 2:59 a.m. MST."

My intent was to state the 11:59 p.m. EST finish time for a different time zone, so it's still 24 hours but doesn't look that way. Funny, huh? But one, I miscalculated the difference between MST and EST--it's two hours, not three--and two, I went in the wrong direction. Two o'clock EST is twelve o'clock MST, not the other way around as I originally thought.

In other words, this incident is an excellent example of why you should sell your soul to me, not Satan. Do you think Satan would let you get off a few hours early for a boo-boo? No way. He's Satan. Making people work longer is what he, and by proxy, managers do.

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