October 24, 2006

Time Babies

I wish my thoughts were as evocative as the title, but alas, I am poorer than Yorick. Random musings:

* It would be neat to find out if there is any correlation between the frequency of a name chosen for a baby and the number of months before birth it was decided upon. Or if there is a correlation between the amount of time the parents took to think about the name and the obscurity of the name. I don't know what trend I suspect to find. "Daddy, where did you get my name from?" "Well, Recliner, we weren't expecting Mommy to go in labor so soon, and..."

* Some developing countries are growing so rapidly that it affects the time scale of technological adaptation, with some interesting results. For example, in India there are three times the number of cell phones that they are land lines. If India's economic boom had occurred twenty years ago, they would likely have the same landline telephone infrastructure as the U.S. and other countries. In a way, India has skipped over a rung on the technological ladder.

* I don't pre-screen my friends for an affinity for listening to NPR, or having an open mind, or liking to read books. But most of them do. There are some activities and hobbies people have that correlate to their likability (in my eyes), even though I often end up liking the person before learning of these hobbies.

There are also some activities and hobbies that have absolutely no relation to the person's personality or character. It doesn't matter a bit if my friends share these interests. Taste in music comes to mind. I don't think one's taste in music says anything about a person. I have never felt more or less connected to a person based on what bands they favor. It's as irrelevant as hair color, or number of siblings, and that strikes me as really odd. What does that say about music?

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