May 22, 2006


Have you ever overheard a person's name that is so weird that you feel compelled to turn around and look at the person, as if to confirm the name belongs to a human and not, for example, a turtle, or a dog?

"Hey, Pixel, wait up!" (Pixel?)

Well, that's how I felt yesterday when I overheard a dog owner talk to his dog, Bob.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow. Pixel would be such an awesome human name. Nay, an awesome anything name. Then again, I already had Link selected for the name of my first male child. I wouldn't want to look like some kind of technology freak. That's not completely true. If I didn't want to look like some kind of technology freak, I probably wouldn't wear t-shirts with jokes only understood if you know binary code.

Now that I'm rambling, I've been reading your blog for a few months now, and I have to say it's truly the best blog I've ever come across. It has a healthy balance of substance, comedy, and opinion. Congratulations on being super. lol.