June 28, 2004

In politics, the phrase "new low" is used so often in fits of hyperbole that it is almost a signal that the person using it is biased and exaggerating. So I hesitate about calling this a new low from the Bush campaign. But I can't think of a better candidate.

Several months ago, Moveon.org ran a contest where people could submit 30-second political commercials against President Bush. The best commercial would be aired a few times on national TV.

Over 1,500 ads were submitted and posted on the web site so people could vote for their favorites. One of these ads compared George Bush to Hitler. I'm not familiar with Moveon.org's screening process and whether anyone saw the ad before it was posted. Regardless, the ad shouldn't have been on the site because, in theory, it could have won. Also, it insulted a lot of fans of Hitler.

RNC Chairman Ed Gillespie and other conservative groups tried to equate the view in the ad with the views of Moveon.org and called on the nine Democratic presidential candidates at the time to denounce the ad, Moveon.org, and just for good measure, other evil groups like Planned Parenthood and Trader Joe's. Moveon.org pulled the ad, denounced the views expressed in it, and a few days later the RNC moved on to the next scandal: John Kerry's Botox injections.

That's the background for what may be the Bush campaign's new low, a new advertisement that tries to tie the aforementioned ad to John Kerry. The Bush campaign's ad is on the campaign site's front page, and contains many informative facts I did not know, like Al Gore compared President Bush to Hitler in a speech. How the hell did Gore keep that faux pas from every single major and minor media outlet? Maybe that was when he had a beard and no one was listening to him.

I should mention that, on a comedy note, the end is absolutely hilarious.

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