December 27, 2003

Back from the Holidays

After visiting my sister Michele in New York, we drove home with my sister Tina and spent the last week with my Mom. A pile of mental notes I made during my stay are now either in the dark corner under my mental desk or mistakenly flushed down the mental toilet after watching an episode of "Rich Girls," a show on MTV that provides the best argument in American history for a progressive tax system. These notes grow grander each day they are lost. I know I had the cure for cancer. It involved peaches, envisioning the cancer cells as those Tribbles from the original Star Trek, and a mass of white T-cells in the shape of James Kirk calmly firing a phaser set to "No More Trouble" at the cuddly masses of evil cancer cells.

I'll be writing more soon. And to all my friends, from fundamentalist Christian to non-practicing Christian, Happy Holidays!

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