March 05, 2005

Oh, The Commercials I See!

Saw this one last night. An elderly couple was laughing at a family barbeque. The camera pulled back to reveal...a pearl necklace in a bucket of barbeque sauce.

VO: "We didn't dip these pearls into barbeque sauce to show Fixodent's amazing cleaning power. And we didn't dip them in barbeque sauce to show how shiny Fixodent will make your teeth."

I never did find out just why did those crazy cats at Fixodent tore their grandmother's pearls off her neck and brought them to a Texas barbeque. I suspect the answer involves drugs and that the pearls were laughing at them. I can only guess because, at that very moment, I involuntarily muted the TV, part of my body's defensive reaction from keeping the rest of my now-liquefied brain from dripping out of my ear.

But I was outwitted. When it comes to advertisements, reading is a disability. The fine print on the bottom of the screen:

"Pearls made out of denture material".

So...they're not pearls. Gotcha. Kind of like "Pearls made of pig ears" or "Pearls made out of rainbows."

The nice thing about fine print in ads for products for the elderly is that most of your target audience can't read it. If I were the government, I'd start making announcements to the elderly in the fine print of Fixodent commercials.

"Social Security benefits will be cut by 20% for anyone who does not complain by Tuesday. This notice required by law. Law does not state where notice has to be said. Ha ha. Stupid law."

1 comment:

Linds said...

LOL. I just noticed that you now have two completely separate 'comment' sections. I'm not sure what the proper Blog visitor etiquette is here, so I'm just going to repeat my other post:I have CLEARLY begun to miss out on some incredible commercials by switching the channel every time one comes on. I mean, pearls made out of fake-teeth-stuff, and then dunked in barbeque sauce for no apparent reason whatsoever? Ooooh. That's gooood. I don't even have dentures- but now, having heard of fixodent's amazing random powers, I hope that someday, somehow, I will. PS: *scratches head* But isn't it silk purses made out of pig ears? Ha.