January 28, 2005


This photo of Cheney at a ceremony commemorating the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz is like a reverse "Where's Waldo?"

I say "Coatgate" in jest--his attire is a faux pas, and calling it more than that is blowing the error out of proportion. But there is something absurdly funny at seeing the Vice President of our country sit in a sea of somberly-dressed mourners in a coat that looks like he bought it five minutes ago at a ski lodge.

It's the type of thing that lends itself to comedy. Robin Givhan wrote a snidely humorous article about Cheney's outfit. And, with a chorus of complaints against the Bush administration of being insensitive over the past several years (e.g. Rumsfeld auto-signing condolence letters to the families of dead soldiers, Wolfowitz not knowing how many Americans have died in Iraq, Bush not expressing his condolences to the tsunami victims until the third day) this image may be more symbolically powerful than one would at first guess.

On a tangential note, has anyone noticed how wardrobe malfunction is no longer used ironically? Who made the decision to take the air quotes of that one?

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