June 06, 2003

Demographics For MTV Cribs

12-18: 11.2%
18-25: 9.2%
Stalkers: 79.6%

No celebrity who shows a road map of their house, including the satin sheets on their bed and easily-breakable windows, should be able to sue a stalker who invades their house. Going on MTV Cribs is like teasing a stalker. "Here's my diamond chandelier. It looks soooo beautiful when I'm sitting here alone at night and watching the moonlight bounce off the shards. The only problem is that I have to turn off the security system because it makes that annoying beeping." Sometimes I want to break into celebrities' houses after the show. A X-Box hooked up to a 42'' plasma screen and connected to a 6-channel surround sound system: who could resist?

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