January 21, 2008

SC Dem. Debate Reaction

I wrote this debate reaction for the comments section of another blog, and it became so long that I figured I might as well post it. Probably not interesting if you didn't watch the debate:

All three candidates had their moments. Edwards positioned himself perfectly in the first half of the debate as being above the squalor when Obama and Hillary were attacking each other relentlessly. He appealed well to African-American voters and sounded more authentic than usual in his rhetoric. He still has a few phrases that he repeats too often, but overall, he had the right tone and it felt like his best debate performance so far.

Obama showed for the first time that he can hit back very hard, but his attractiveness as a candidate is so dependent on positivity, much more so than either Clinton or Edwards, that just having to be in the position of attacking someone harshly may have hurt him overall. He seemed much better in the 2nd half of the debate, like when he connected his positive message to a political strategy better than he has before, and seemed more eloquent than in the first half of the debate (for example, when Clinton brought up his "present" votes in the Illinois legislature in the first half of the debate, I could have explained them better than he did).

Clinton's performance is hard for me to gauge. One of her strengths is policy, and she comes off as more knowledgeable and sharp than Obama and Edwards time and time again. She had a few moments of passion that came off well too. On the downside (or upside, depending on how you look at it), she has wholly adopted the "win at any cost" campaign tactics that Republicans national candidates often favor and have used to great effect. Her comments on Obama's remarks about Reagan and his present votes in the Illinois legislature are just plain willful distortions.

Some people may find it a plus that she is willing to get dirty to win, but for me, every time I started warming up to her, she would make an attack untruthful in spirit, if not in substance, and I would lose whatever admiration I was starting to gain from her. Politicians who are willing to do anything to get into power are willing to do anything to stay in power. The last seven years is as good of an example of that as any. Her character is my biggest reservation about her.

Edwards: Did well, may have "won"
Obama: Mixed performance, better in 2nd half of the debate
Clinton: I have no idea. Probably depends on whatever beliefs one already had about her more than anything.

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