September 26, 2007

Vacation Memories

I jotted a few notes while I was on vacation in Alaska. Most of them document my mom being silly.

* We were in a tourist store in Ketchikan. A green felt hat is on top of a clothes rack. My Mom swipes the hat and puts it on her head. "Shh! Don't tell Tina." She then sneaks towards to Tina to do who knows what. She never makes to Tina. A man next to her says: "Ma'am, excuse me. That's my hat."

* Each night there was a show on the cruise ship. The first night performers were the equivalent of a Broadway cover band. They did one song from almost every major musical: Phantom of the Opera, Grease, Oklahoma, and so on. Before the performance, they announced that "audio and video recordings are not allowed due to copyright infringement issues". Yeah, I wouldn't want Broadway to find out your swiping their best work either.

* While walking back to our room, Mom took the "Do Not Disturb" sign from a door and put it on someone else's door. Then she ran away, giggling. I laughed. Tina was embarrassed.

* In Hoonah, we stopped by a crab shack for lunch. As we were resting at the table after the meal, I told Mom I was going to drink the rest of the dipping butter. She got up and started hitting me with her jacket. "You bad boy!" Tina interjected. "Mom! You hit that lady twice!"

Mom turned around to the woman she accidentally swiped and apologized. "I'm sorry. I was trying to hit my son." On the off-chance that didn't clear up the confusion, she followed up with an explanation. "He said he's going to drink this cup of butter."

There wasn't much to say after that.

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