First, there is a difference between LOLCATS and their purer form, LOLCATZ.
An LOLCAT is any photo of a cute cat along with an irony-free caption. Example (photo credit):

Awwww. Cute. LOL. But not LOLCATZ.
An LOLCATZ is a photo similar in content, but one that captures the aggressive stupidity found in some parts of the Internet, such as 12-year-old boys who grew with the Internet their entire lives. (photo credit: LOLcatz)

The best LOLCATZ photos have an in-your-face attitude. All of them employ crudely written captions and are obviously ironic. Finally, they are science-fiction, a dire vision of the Internet extrapolated from the online habits of a few people who haven't been fully socialized.
Here is a short quiz. LOLCAT or LOCATZ?
1. Vet Cat
2. Bullets Cat
3. Idea Cat
4. Chips Cat
5. Sharpie Cat
6. British Cat
1 comment:
so how about posting the answers to your quiz?
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