June 28, 2006

Today's Shopping List

* Two bags of Peanut M&Ms
* Two bags of Combos (one Pizzeria, one Cheddar Cheese)
* Two quarts of Power Ade (Red and yellow. The colors seem to have no connection to the flavor.)
* Box of Corn Pops
* Nutra-Grain bar (got to eat healthy)

I didn't bring a basket inside CVS, so I was carrying it all in my arms. I had a huge grin on my face. The best part was when this little kid, who could barely reach the handle bar of the cart he was pushing, saw me walk past him. He looked at my bounty in awe. Whoever said childhood is the happiess days of one's life never ate a lb. of Peanut M&Ms.

1 comment:

Mitch said...

Oh ya! You are so right!