February 02, 2006

Notes I Left One of My Dog Walking Clients

(Sophie and Brewster are food-obsessed Golden Retrievers)

Day 1

You know how couples that are together a long time supposedly look like each other after a while?

That is going to happen to Sophie and Brewster. In a few years, they’re going to be Sophster and Brewie. Mark my words! With a highlighter. And put them on the fridge. They’re good words. Especially “goober”. Me likey the goober. When I get a dog, I’m naming him Goober. Or Francice. No, that’s stupid. Definitely Francine.

Day 2

Um, why isn’t my note on the fridge? I hate to do this, but if you don’t put my note on the fridge, I WILL EAT SOPHIE. I swear. I get very hungry during the day, and she looks dee-lich-us.

It’s not like you have anything else on your fridge. It’s a barren hearth of emptiness. Spice it up! With one of my notes.

P.S. Brewster had two bowls of food today.

Day 3

Okay. I see how it is. I’m reclaiming my notes and putting them on MY fridge. Also, I DID eat Sophie, but she tasted terrible, so I spit her out. Maybe if she stopped eating tissues, we wouldn’t have that problem.

The next day, they apologized for not putting my notes on the fridge and made a lame excuse that magnets don't stick to their refrigerator. Really? Because it doesn't look plastic. Hmmph.

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