August 12, 2004

Country Club Vets for Truth

Visual: A man sits cross-legged on a chair, his golf clubs by his side. In the background is a picture of a crazed Bill Murray inserting a stick of dynamite in a groundhog hole.

Al French: "I played golf with George W. Bush."

Bob Elder: "I played golf with George W. Bush."

George Elliott: "George W. Bush has not been honest about what happened in the back 9."

Al French: "He is lying about his scorecard."

Visual: A scorecard with the "1" poorly scribbled out from "174."

Louis Letson: "I know George W. Bush is lying about his scorecard because I was his golfing buddy."

Van O'Dell: "George W. Bush lied about his hole-in-one on the 14th. He barely got a bogey. I know. I was there. I was his caddy."

Jack Chenoweth: "His account of what happened and what actually happened are the difference between the wait staff and us."

Admiral Hoffman: "George W. Bush has not been honest."

Adrian Lonsdale: "And he lacks the capacity to lead us home at night."

Visual: Inside the clubhouse. The bar is lined with foam-stained glasses. His golfing buddies are all staring at him, angry. Bush has a sheepish smile and is holding his pockets out, which are empty.

Larry Thurlow:
"When the chips were down, you could not count on George W. Bush to buy us a round at the 19th hole."

Bob Elder: "George W. Bush is no Phil Mickelson."

Grant Hibbard: "He betrayed the entire country club ... he lied before our wives, saying he beat us like girlie-men."

Visual: A picture of Hitler, Osama bin Laden, and Evil Gandhi (Gandhi with a handlebar mustache) at a Republican rally, all holding signs that say "We like-a da Bush!"

Shelton White: "George W. Bush betrayed the men and women he played golf with in Piedmont Country Estates."

Joe Ponder: "He dishonored his country club... he most certainly did."

Bob Hildreth: "I played golf with George W. Bush ...

Bob Hildreth (off-camera): George W. Bush cannot be trusted to drive our country club's golf cart."

Announcer: "Country Club Vets for Truth is responsible for the content of this advertisement. Wait, we are? Oh, crap."

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